World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day is here again, and this year the United Nations has designated the theme “Revitilization Collective Action for the Ocean”. It’s a day to focus on the health of our oceans, and to start making positive changes. This year it is estimated between 8-14 million tons of plastic will enter the ocean, which we all know is not good for the health of our planet. We are all guilty of throwing away items that end up in the ocean or in landfills, but in order to help the environment we need to start making changes now.

World Ocean Day Facts

Algea Create Oxygen

Have you ever taken a moment to think about the ocean? It covers 71% of the Earth’s surface and its home to nearly half of all the life on our planet. Did you know there are more than 10,000 species of fish in the ocean alone and that the ocean provides us with between %50-%80 of the oxygen we breathe? The ocean has a pH of 8.1, which is slightly alkaline, so it’s not acidic like some people think.  World Ocean Day is the perfect occasion to not only celebrate the importance of the oceans and seas of our planet, but also to take stock of the challenges facing them.

5 Key Things You Should Know

World Ocean Day

Here are the 5 key things that you need to know about World Ocean Day. 1. World Ocean Day is a world wide awareness day for the oceans. 2. This day is celebrated on June 8th every year. 3. It’s celebrated all over the world. 4. Its purpose is to spread knowledge about the oceans and the need to protect them. 5. It was first proposed by Canada’s International Centre for Ocean Development and the Ocean Institute of Canada. To bring awareness to children all over the globe, Petal Resources is giving our Ocean Project for free on June 8th! Our children are the future and it’s vital that they learn to love and appreciate our oceans.

Here are some simple things you can do today to help improve help improve the health of the oceans. 1. Be aware- We need to be aware of what we put into the ocean and what comes out of it. Be responsible- We have a responsibility to leave the ocean in better shape for the future. Be active- We all have a role to play in protecting the health of the oceans and seas. Be curious – We should be curious about the oceans, seas, and all life within them. Be awesome- We are all awesome for celebrating World Ocean Day! To learn more go to by clicking here.

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