World Environment Day

World Environment Day was established in 1972 by the then United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), and held for the first time on June 5th 1974. It was decided that an annual event would be celebrated on June 5th in order to raise global awareness of the environment and encourage international co-operation to protect and improve it. Each year, World Environment Day is celebrated with a different theme to reflect the global environmental challenges we face. It is a day dedicated to the protection of the environment and nature. The world is changing, and it’s happening fast. It’s up to us to nurture a sustainable future, one step at a time. We can start by making small changes in our daily lives, at home, and at school.

What's It All About?

World Environment Day 2022

Why is World Environment Day so important? It’s not just another day to celebrate, it is a day of action to protect our environment. It is a day for all of us to stop and think about the choices we make in our daily lives, and what impact they have on the environment. It is an opportunity for us to take the first steps towards building a cleaner, greener future. We must work together to change attitudes and behaviours, to rethink the way we use plastic and to look for alternatives. Because only if we act together, can we stop plastic pollution, protect our oceans and look after the only home we have. 

What is the world environment day theme for 2022? This year’s theme is Only One Earth. Kids can make the world a better place and can be an inspiration for others to follow. They are the future of our planet and this day marks the start of their journey to protect the environment. So, let’s celebrate World Environment Day with them. Let us mark this day by taking time to appreciate our only home, Earth.

World Environment Day Activities

Here are some activities you can do to celebrate. Some of these links will take you to free worksheets on our website for you to download and others will take you to websites we’ve found useful:

  1. -Create a green family plan.
  2. -Make a simple paper bag book.
  3. -Plant some trees.
  4. -Participate in Clean-up Drive.
  5. -Say no to plastic bags.
  6. -Switch off the lights when not needed.
  7. -Discuss the importance of trees with your family.
  8. -Go on a nature walk.
  9. -Learn about water conservation, energy saving and environmental protection.
  10. -Ask your family and friends to avoid using single-use cups made of plastic. You can also use reusable mugs for your beverages.
  11. -Make a simple booklet using recycled paper.
  12. -Plant a tree or a sapling on World Environment Day and make sure to water and nurture it.
  13. -Organic farming will help in reducing the use of chemicals. So, discuss organic farming with your family.
  14. -Participate in activities such as beach cleaning, tree plantation, cycle rally, nature walk and so on. 
  15. -Talk to your family or friends about their plans to celebrate World Environment Day.
  16. -Help save energy by using energy efficient appliances.
  17. -Set up your own water recycling system at home.
  18. -Start a tree-planting drive in your community.
  19. -Plant some saplings in your garden or school.
  20. -Make posters and distribute them to spread awareness on World Environment Day.

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